Monday, August 6, 2012

How To Take Advantage of The Age of Choices: 5 Great Ways

A decade ago, there were probably two ways to live your life. You either choose the safe path of entering the corporate world, or look for a BIG fund (and a BIG risk) to start your own business.

You had limited choices back then.

Today, we're living is a whole new age, The Age of Choices. Nowadays, you've too many choices to live on your own terms. There are too many experts and resources that teach people how to end the grind, follow their passion and live a notable story.

For example, Chris Guillebeau wrote a book called The $100 Startup, where he shares 50 inspiring case studies of people who started up their own business empire with less than $100!

Living freely and openly doesn't require taking a big risk like before. Truth is that today the safest path is to start a passion-based business. The corporate world is becoming the new risky path and it is not fulfilling to almost 80% of people.

You don't have to accept mediocrity anymore. You don't have to accept a boring dead-end job anymore. You don't have to accept working as a cog in machine anymore. You don't have to accept living a meaningless life anymore. You don't have to feel obliged to do something you hate because you need the money.

Today, you can take advantage of the age of choices and choose to follow your passion and feel the pride.

The secret to doing so is to decide NOW that you are going to live differently and EXPRESS YOUR UNIQUENESS.

If you submit to the fact that you're unique and that the only way to live fully and freely is to let your uniqueness shine, then you can take advantage of the age of choices.

Here are 5 things you can do to live differently and express your uniqueness:

1. Discover your passion

Find what makes you come alive and go do it. Living with passion is what brings you joy and at the same time allows you to bring joy to others. Find your passion and tango with your heart.

2. Identify your enemy

Find the biggest problem you're going to solve for people. For example, my #1 enemy is the paycheck. I'm helping people in every way I can to conquer the paycheck and force it to lose its power over them.

3. Package your solution

Package a valuable offer that will help your target market solve their problem. I do that via articles, books, e-courses, live trainings, public speaking and life purpose coaching. Some are for free and some require an affordable investment. The most important thing is to package a solution that delivers outstanding value to your target market.

4. Ship your solution

Identify the best channels to market your solution and let people know about it. I'm ever grateful to Erin for giving me this golden chance to share my ideas with you and her wide range of awesome audience at Pick The Brain. If you don't know anything about marketing, I think you must know. Yes, you can partner with a marketer, but it is far better if you understand marketing and decide upon the best strategy to position, brand and market yourself.

5. Surprise your market

Find a way to take your target market by surprise. Express your uniqueness in a way that could be newsworthy. In order to turn your passion into a worldwide sensation, take them by surprise. The best example of the impact of the surprise factor is Susan Boyle. She is definitely not the best singer in the world, but her image didn't reflect such an amazing voice. That's why she took us by surprise and became an instant sensation once she started singing “I Dreamed a Dream” at Britain's Got Talent on April 11, 2009.

Forge your own path today. It's never been easier with the sheer number of choices and resources out there. You just need to be open minded and make the decision to live differently and express your uniqueness.

Remember, following your passion is the safest and most fulfilling choice nowadays.

End the grind, follow your passion and have a life you can be proud of.


Mohamed Tohami is a bestselling author and the creator of "The P.A.S. Technique: The World's Easiest Way To Find Your Passion and Purpose In Life". Visit his Transformational Motivation blog now to grab a free copy of his special report "4 Steps to a Life of Passion" and join his free life purpose coaching online classes

Photo credit: ‘Compass‘ by Big Stock

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