First off, happy news as Icey pony, Kvikur, was adopted today. He joins Isungar (another Shiloh Icey) in his new family.
It was very hot out today, it is supposed to be over 100 degrees tomorrow. Summer is here!
Only a few photos today, it was too hot to do much...

Jedermann and his pal, Sage, enjoyed hanging out in their new pasture. I am happy that Jeder has a pasture now (as well as a Barn stall), it's healthier for him both mentally and physically to be out with another horse instead of cooped up in a stall, especially in the summer heat. Now, he can spend his time when we aren't training and working, just being a horse- getting dirty, rolling in the sand and resting under the trees. Our next show is in August, so I am giving him a few days off to rest up from this past weekend.

I could see him kicking up his heels and cantering around. Finally, he settled down for some breakfast...

Back in the Barn area, Jimmy Dean checked out his new pig pool. He wasn't too sure about it, but I am sure that by tomorrow he will be sitting in the cool water. I just hope he fits in the pool- it is bigger than it looks in this photo- but then again, so is Jimmy...

Aztec wandered by the new Golfcart- compliments of Dave Hickey and the Palm.

I caught Charlie wandering through the Barn aisle...

Over on City Center, Tamale patiently waited for a volunteer to finsih her apple, he eventually ate the core...

Lyfting and Rugrat ate their Feed Fairy food...
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