Wednesday, August 15, 2012

6 Simple Tactics to Regain Clarity and Achieve Your Goals

No matter what you wish to achieve in life, the richest, most complete life experience requires that you have an enhanced clarity about life and your goals for life. When you have this clarity, goal achievement comes as a natural result.

Of course, clarity isn’t something most of us naturally walk around with on a minute by minute basis. Sometimes it becomes quite difficult to remember why you’re making decisions and thus how to make decisions.

The good news is that you can do some things regain clarity in life, if you’re willing to make the effort.

1. You must realize your own control over life outcomes – This realization needs to be in place whether things are going well or poorly.

There are plenty of outside influences that will impact your well-being, but you’re the one who must adjust for those influences in order to achieve your goals.

Clarity is of itself a decision within your control. Rare are the moments of accidental clarity. If you want clarity all of the time, you have to practice it just like you would anything else.

Control over your life and clarity are a matter of persistence. You must create a priority list. Then you must practice going over that priority list so that it is fresh in your mind whenever it is time to make an important decision.


2. Understand the past in order to improve the future – This will help you overcome your tendency to lose focus. Whenever you feel your grip on life clarity is at a low point, think back to times past when you have felt clear about your purpose and avoid thoughts of uncertain times past.


3. Visualization exercises are a powerful means of gaining clear perspective – Imagine things being the way you want them to be. Idealize them, but stick to realistic idealizations. This will help you make clear-headed decisions.

You don’t have to wait for life to hand you an idealistic period for doing the things you want to do. Most of the time you’ll have to create the situations from which you want to work. So visualize what you want for your life and then go about doing what it will take to get you from where you are to where you want to be.


4. Put your life goals in writing – You can’t very easily lose a clarity that you’ve provided in written form. Whenever you’re agonizing over a tough decision or you feel your grasp on clarity slipping, re-read what you’ve written. Start each day by reading your list of goals.


5. Accept that not all goals will be awesome – Many life goals and daily goals are simple things. Simple things often add up to greater things. So note and pursue goals of all degrees of awe. Achieving these goals of any size will help you gain momentum.


6. Don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed – Looking through a giant list of goals and then trying to obtain them all at the same time is a futile process.

Clarity comes from grasping the grand scheme but focusing on the goal in front of you. You can really only concentrate on one thing at a time, so don’t waste your energy agonizing over all of the things you want to get done over a greater period of time.


Clarity doesn’t have to be an occasional experience that coincides with traumatic life events. You can work to make clarity a guiding, regular force in your life.

This will help you to achieve your life goals. In fact, with enhanced clarity you may even find that you go far beyond the goals you can envision for yourself right now.


Lea is a certified life coach and conscious living advocate. She enjoys helping others reach their potential and achieve true happiness. Start paving your path to happiness with a free copy of the Redesign Your Life eBook at Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.

Photo credit: ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’ by Big Stock


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