Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Something Weird we Could Use...

So, people always ask what we need at the rescue. Of course, we normally say we need Equine Senior, fly masks, brushes, etc- but here is something a little different we can use...

We need some pool nets or smaller fish nets to scoop out our big water tubs do they don't need to be dumped so often. With the winds we get at the ranch, our big pasture water tubs get filled with loose hay which clogs up the horses' fresh water. The nets work great for scooping and skimming out the floating debris.

If anyone has one laying around- we can put it to good use!

Shiloh's mailing address is:

Shiloh Horse Rescue
777 East Quartz #9005
Sandy Valley, NV 89019

Ps: Shiloh can also use some more grooming tools like body and dandy brushes, curry combs, shedding blades, mane and tail brushes, sweat scrapers, etc. As long as they are in good shape, we can use them!

Thanks everyone!

Read this article here

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