Everyone has up's and down's in their love lives, most commonly there are "those relationships" you'd rather forget, but should you forget them entirely? Why not use negative experiences from your love life to prevent you from making similar mistakes in your career? At least you'll have something to show from those lousy relationships!
Although using a one-night-stand in your work environment isn't recommended, there are some popular relationship problems which can be likened common career complaints. You can learn from these mistakes to resolve pressing issues in your career.
The Stale Marriage
Much like a weathered marriage, you've hit that point in your career where you generally feel BORED. You may feel that there's no opportunity for progression within the company you work for and getting out of bed to go to work has become more challenging than the role itself. You feel you can't just quit because you have financial outgoings and a family you need to support but the job is making you miserable.
In this situation you have 3 options: to stick it out and remain miserable and unfulfilled but financially sound; try relationship counselling to mend the damage or file for a divorce.
If you're constantly miserable you're not helping anyone; yourself or your family. It can also have effects on your health such as depression and fatigue. Taking no action means things will only get worse.
Trying "relationship counselling" with your boss is a viable option. Speak to your boss and say how you feel your skills would be better utilised in a higher role with more responsibilities. If you work for an organisation which values its employees then they should be open to negotiation (providing you've proved your worth), if not then maybe you should consider whether a job elsewhere would be more fulfilling and gain you more respect.
If the counselling really hasn't worked then it's time to file for a divorce. Your health and happiness is more important than the money your job brings – you have to take a few risks in life to be successful. To avoid putting a financial strain on your family, continue your employment in your current role until you've been accepted for another position elsewhere.
The Comparative Couple
This situation is similar to when you compare your relationship to other friends' or family member's relationships, common thoughts are "why's my relationship not as passionate as theirs?", "why don't we do things as a couple like them?" This can also happen in your career if one of your friends or family members gets a new job, jealousy can rear its ugly head and occupy your mind.
This can be a dangerous situation to be in as you may begin to question your career or feel dubious about your job. The first thing to consider is why you are feeling jealous of other people's jobs. Perhaps there's more of an underlying issue; are you feeling undervalued at work? Do you need more feedback on your development from superiors?
The key here is to address you own issues and forget about your friend's passion for their new job. Focus on what drove you to apply for your current job in the first place. Perhaps you're feeling complacent in your role and need a new challenge, talk to your boss about the possibility of taking on new responsibilities that will challenge you. You'll soon forget about your friend's career as you buzz off your new accomplishments.
The Honeymoon Period
When you first start a new job you're filled with excitement; meeting new people, learning new skills and taking on new challenges can all be exhilarating. Much like newlyweds however, this honeymoon period has to come to an end as normality sets in. For some people this isn't a problem, for others it can cause them to come down with a crash and feel bored, stressed and even miserable.
As routine begins to set in you have to accept that certain aspects of the daily grind will begin to irritate you – the same commute will bore the life out of you and your colleagues will irritate you beyond belief but that will probably happen with every job and usually wanes with time! If you really feel like you're not fitting in after a considerable amount of time then maybe you could ask for a transfer or look for a new job elsewhere.
When it comes to relationships there's plenty to be learned from bad experiences. Rather than dwelling on them and feeling filled with regret, you may as well use them to build on in the future. Prevent the same mistakes from happening in your career as well as your love life!
This was a guest post written by Stephanie Staszko who writes career building tips and advice for Blue Octopus. They can help you to find a job if your current one's driving you stir crazy.
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